Last weekend, Shimura sensei finally visited the Netherlands to teach at our seminar in Leusden, organized by Kevin Chao sensei and Tsurudo-kan and supported by the Dutch Karate Federation (KBN). Over a 100 karateka from 16 countries practiced kihon, kata, kihon kumite and more under Shimura sensei's supervision. We learned much during sensei's 3-day visit to Leusden. A large number of karateka also took their dan grading exams Saturday afternoon, after which we had a wonderful dinner at China Palace in Amersfoort.
We look back to an amazing weekend with some serious karate training, a lot of fun and good weather.
Many thanks to Kevin sensei for organising the seminar and inviting Shimura sensei to visit the Netherlands. We hope the seminar can become an annual event for Dutch Wadokai and Tsuru-do Kan.
